Domain name: maltezer-pups.nl Status: active Reseller: Corstiaensen Leeuwerkstraat 22 2360 Oud Turnhout Belgium Registrar: Registrar.eu Hofplein 20 3032AC Rotterdam Netherlands Abuse Contact: +31.104482297 abuse@registrar.eu DNSSEC: no Domain nameservers: ns3.mijnserver.nl ns2.mijnserver.nl ns1.mijnserver.nl Creation Date: 2011-07-28 Updated Date: 2023-02-23 Record maintained by: SIDN BV As the registrant's address is not in the Netherlands, the registrant is obliged by the General Terms and Conditions for .nl Registrants to use SIDN's registered office address as a domicile address. More information on the use of a domicile address may be found at https://www.sidn.nl/en/nl-domain-name/domicile-address
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